The MuleHide Experience
Every roof has unique design and performance requirements. MHP offers roofing solutions from a temporary emergency repair to a fully warrantied system. All MHP products are manufactured under strict quality control and are available through the largest nationwide distribution channel. MHP offers a wide range of warranties for qualifying commercial projects.
The Right Choice
Mule-Hide is the right choice for a broad range of roofing applications. Mule-Hide's time-proven systems are simple and economical to install, yet meet the stringent demands of todays new construction or re-roofs of commercial, industrial, and institutional buildings.
Extensive Warranty Program
Mule-Hide offers Membrane Warranties, Standard System and Premium Warranties. All projects requesting a Standard or Premium System Warranty are inspected by a Mule-Hide representative prior to the issuance of the warranty. Contractors must be Mule-Hide Warranty Eligible to apply for System Warranties.